The most lasting conservation outcomes do not depend on short-term political strength, but rather come from market-oriented solutions. So how do you show people that free market environmentalism cultivates better conservation methods?

That was the challenge for our esteemed clients at the Property and Environment Research Center (PERC) and the Red Edge team was proud to aid their evergreen mission. Entrusted with giving free market environmentalism a home, we built as a dynamic and flexible website with imagery as vibrant as the research PERC conducts.

Understanding the importance of user experience and loadability, we designed crisp parallax features on the homepage to engage users while capturing the beauty of different landscapes reflecting each of the four seasons.

We also brought subtle animation, in the form of cinemagraph files, to punctuate each research page. Here are a couple of examples:

Cinemagraphs combine the proven attention-grabbing effectiveness of motion with the quick page-loading of static image files. 

Beyond eye-catching visual features, our partners at PERC also wanted to showcase the seismic impact of free market environmentalism around the world. So we developed an interactive map that allows visitors to see the worldwide impact—and potential—of using the right tools to protect the natural world.

Creating a happier, healthier, and more prosperous world stems from our ability to protect and bolster the environment around us. We were proud to build a base camp for harnessing the power of markets, property rights, and conservation.